
What is a fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor/actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. For more information visit TheFanlistings.org.
What is Daughters of Darkness?
Daughters of Darkness (DoD) is the second book in the Night World sdod by L.J. Smith. The story revolves around the three Redfern sisters; Rowan, Kestrel and Jade, who have fled their island enclave to live with their Great Aunt Opal Burdock. What the girls do not know is that someone has killed Aunt Opal. They must make up a story about where she is and lie to all the residents of Briar Creek as to her whereabouts and time of return. They might have fooled everyone, but Aunt Opal's neighbour, Mary-Lynnette Carter is not falling for their story. She drags her younger brother Mark along with her to spy on the girls and see what they are up to. What they find is the girls having to bury their Aunt in the backyard. Mary-Lynnette along with a reluctant Mark, investigates the girls' tall tale, but along the way meets the Redfern girls' brother, Ash, who has come to take them back to the island.
Covers: North American, UK, UK New
Why did you build a fanlisting for Daughters of Darkness?
I built a fanlisting for DoD because it was the first Night World book I ever read and it will always be a favourite. There was something that I just loved about it and after rereading it this year, I fell even deeper in love with it.
Who is Lisa Jane Smith?
Lisa Jane is the author of Daughters of Darkness as well as many other books. These include, The Night of the Solstice, The Heart of Valor, The Secret Circle, The Vampire Diaries, The Forbidden Game, Dark Visions and the still unfinished Night World series.
What is the Night World?[taken from the books]
The Night World isn't a place. It's all aorund us. It's a secret society of vampires, werewolves, witches, and other creatures of darkness that live among us. They're beautiful and deadly and irresistible to humans. Your high school teacher could be one, and so could your boyfriend.
The Night World laws say it's okay to hunt humans. It's okay to toy with their hearts, it's even okay to kill them. There are only two things you can't do with them.
  1. Never let them find out that the Night World exists.
  2. Never fall in love with one of them.
These are the stories about what happens when the rules get broken.

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