What is a fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor/actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. For more information visit animefanlistings.com
Why did you build a fanlisting for the music of Hellsing?
I built this fanlisting because I fell in love with the music when I first watched Hellsing. I used to fall asleep listening to this music on my CD player for it was the only thing that calmed me down when I worked as a waitress. I think that the Hellsing OSTs are amazing pieces of art. The Hellsing OST's songs range from the style of the 1930s to the modern techno and punk, while still remaining true to the overall effect of the series.
What is Hellsing?
Click here for more.
What are they saying in Logos Naki World?
Ah the age old question. Everyone has tried to depcipher the lyrics all ways, from translating the lyrics off of the CD booklet to listening to the song a million times to see if they can hear a word that makes sense. Eventually, I will try my hand at this but not till later. Check out the Extras section in the future for possible answers to the lyric debate.
What is the track listing for the OSTs?
Click here for more.

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